This project is all about DOTS! George Seurat (pronounced Sir-ra) was an artist who painted many paintings with just dots. Millions of them. It took a long, long, time to complete just one painting. Below is a short 2 minute video about Seurat and his painting style:
For this project you will need:
A piece of paper
watercolors OR markers
water (if using watercolors)
QTips (if using watercolors)
an object to draw
1.) Painting with dots can take a long time. You can fold your paper in half so that you don't have such a large area to fill.
2.) Choose a simple object to draw. It can be a piece of fruit, or a toy, or a favorite character. What ever you like! Draw it with pencil on your paper.
3.) Start filling in your colors! Use QTips if you are coloring with watercolor paints. Dip your qtip into water and then your color.
**If you don't have watercolors a marker will do fine. Just remember to dot SOFTLY so that it isn't a noisy process! :)
Remember: Try to fill an area with more than one color! Two different greens, or a dark blue with a light blue.
It makes your painting interesting! And most of the time, objects have more than one color mixed in. You will see that if you are using fruit!
