Lupine is pronounced "Loo Pin"

For your Lupine Flower project you will need:
Oil Pastel (if you have them)
Paint (water color and/or tempera/acrylic)
Paint brush
Paper Towel
Texture (I'll explain)

1) The first thing we want to do is create a beautiful background for our flowers. Look around your house for things with TEXTURE. In my video, you will see that I have a plastic bag that was holding my lemons from the grocery store. I put my paper on top of it and was able to rub my crayon across the paper to show the texture of the bag.
You can take your paper and crayons around the house and find some interesting textures. Do you have tile anywhere? Brick on a fireplace, a woven basket? You could even go outside (not Monday when everything will be wet!) and find texture to create a rubbing. Be careful if you are using printer paper. It is thin and rips easily.
2) When you have finished covering your paper with texture rubbings, it is time to paint with water colors! Use these colors:
**Water color tip: Wet your paper with your brush first, then add color.
This combination will give us a nice background for our flowers and won't turn brown if they mix.
3) Let your paper dry!! This is important because you will rip your paper if you do the next step before it's dry! I ripped mine!

4) Now that your paper is dry it is time to make the Lupines! Use a green oil pastel ( a green crayon is fine too) and draw the stems for your Lupine flowers. See the video below.
5) Choose 2-3 colors plus white for your flowers. I think it will be easier to use Tempera paint or Acrylic, but you can use watercolors as well.
6) With ONE FINGER, dip into a color and make finger prints all the way up the stem and back down the other side.
7) Wipe your finger off with a tissue or paper towel and dip into the white. (If you are using water colors you might not have a white to do this part). Try putting the white on top of the color and see what happens. You will notice in my video that I was so excited to paint that I forgot to wipe my finger off before switching to the white paint! Ooooops! :)
Keep working until you are happy with your flowers!