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5/11/20 4th, 5th, 6th Still Life

Writer's picture: Ms. BaxterMs. Baxter

Hello St. Rose Artists! I miss you! Did you enjoy the snow this past weekend?! Ok, let's forget I mentioned it.

Moving on.... 

This week you are creating a: Still Life Drawing

Take a look around at things in your home... toys, stuffed animals, fruits & veggies, candy, knick knacks...

Find some items that you would enjoy drawing and put them together on a table.

***You should have AT LEAST 3 ITEMS in your still life. You can have more, but you can not have less. That's boring! :)

Next, I want you to watch this super cool video by Artrageous Nate. He is going to explain a little bit about drawing a still life and how to shade it. 

He is also going to talk about drawing pencils, BUT YOU ONLY NEED A #2 PENCIL for this.

If you enjoy working in silence try to find a place that is comfortable for you to do your work and enjoy your time creating! 

Otherwise, put on some music you like and forget about anything else except the pencil on your paper and the objects in front of you. Don't stress about trying to create a perfect drawing! No perfect drawings allowed! Only art that you have spent honest time on and have given your best shot. That is the art I love the most!

What are drawing pencils?

Drawing pencils are labeled with H, HB, 2B, 4B, 6B...and so on. 

As the number increases, the graphite becomes softer, making darker lines for the artist. 

A #2 pencil is in the middle. It is similar to an HB drawing pencil.



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