April 27, 2020

Marker Prints
What you will need:
a piece of tin foil
colorful markers - one sharpie or other waterproof marker
a piece of white paper (I used computer paper
water - a spray bottle is easiest but you can spritz water on with your fingers too.
paper towel
Step 1) I folded my paper in half twice to make 4 boxes, then cut them out. I wanted 4 different small designs to work with. You can change this however you decide.
Step 2) Draw a simple image onto your white paper with a pencil. Then go over your pencil lines with a sharpie marker.
Step 3) On your piece of tin foil, color an area with colorful markers. There is no right or wrong way!
Step 4) Spritz the colored in area on the tin foil with a little water.
Step 5) Place your sharpie marker drawing, face down, on top of the wet colored tin foil.
Step 6) Pull up your print! Wipe off your tin foil with the paper towel and make more!